Wednesday, November 9, 2005

I am quite pleased today

It all started yesterday, when I went to vote. There was a girl working as a poll volunteer who was probably just 16 years old. I was excited to see such a young person taking part in the democratic process. However, that is not what makes me happy.

Governor Schwarzenegger failed miserably. When he failed to convince the state legislature to do anything he wanted, he threatened to end-around them by having a special election. It was a special election no one in the state wanted because of the cost, and it turns out they were right. This was the costliest state election ever. But that is not what makes me happy either.

What makes me happy is the fact that the state gave a big "Screw You" to the Governator, and every single one of his proposed propositions failed. As a matter of fact, every single measure on the ballot failed. This was the first time every measure turned out the way I had voted. :)

That makes me happy.